Flomec RT Displays

Battery/DC power, safe/hazardous area displays, ideally used with the OM Oval Gear and RN Axial Turbine ranges of flowmeters as they can be directly mounted. Flow rate and dual total indication (one with reset) with no additional power source, even in an ATEX/IECEx hazardous area. Alternatively, they can be wall mounted and used with any of the UK Flowtechnik’s range of flowmeters with frequency outputs. If powered they have a range of additional outputs and feartures

RT 40 - Battery or DC powered, safe area only with 2 line display of flow rate and dual total. Universal quadrature frequency input, can be mounted directly on the RN & OM meters or wall/panel mounted, unscaled/scaled pulsed output or high/low alarm, 5 points of linearisation

RT 14 - Battery or DC powered, safe or hazardous area with flow Rate and dual Total. Universal frequency input, ATEX/IECEx EEx ia version, can be mounted directly on the RN & OM meters or wall/panel mounted, unscaled/scaled pulsed output or alarm, 4-20 mA output, 10 points of linearisation.

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