Beinlich ZPI Internal Gear Pumps

ZPI Internal Gear Size & Displacements cc/rev

  • ZPI 1 = 1.00 / 1.40 / 2.10 / 2.80 / 3.50 / 5.50 / 6.90
  • ZPI 2 = 3.50 / 5.50 / 7.00 / 10.00 / 14.00 / 17.00
  • ZPI 3 = 18.00 / 22.00 / 29.00 / 37.00 / 42.00 / 56.00 / 69.00
  • ZPI 4 = 55.00 / 69.00 / 83.00 / 104.00 / 121.00 / 138.00 / 173.00 / 207.00

Direction of Rotation

  • L = Counter Clockwise (ccw), left (standard)
  • R = Clockwise (cw), right


  • F = Bare shaft
  • FA = Mounting flange
  • FB = Foot bracket

Connection Types

  • R = Threaded Ports (sizes 1-4)
  • T = SAE Flanged Ports (sizes 3-4 only)

On request we can also supply complete assembled motor/pump sets, including bellhousing and drive coupling.

Related products

This accessory is compatible with the following products.

ProductOrder code
Electric Motors Single & Three Phase Options
HBE SOFTEX® couplingsHBE SOFTEX® couplings
HBE Starex® Coupling-_16
HBE Bellhousings-_2


The following accessories are available for this product.

Product Order code
Softex Couplings HBE SOFTEX® couplings HBE SOFTEX® couplings
HBE Bellhousings -_2
HBE Starex® Coupling -_16
Electric Motors Single & Three Phase Options
HBE SOFTEX® - ES Backlash-free Couplings -HBESES
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