SPX Pelton Wheel Flowmeter in Polypropylene

These versatile corrosion resistant Pelton wheels are ideal for tough applications. Acidic chemicals, RO/demin water, liquid fertiliser to name but a few, measure, monitor or batch these are the ones. Ruby bearings allow an extended flow range with excellent service life. The non-contact Hall effect pick up system gives a robust NPN square-wave output suitable for most displays, plc’s etc or can be easily changed to an analogue Voltage/Current with one of our signal converters.

  • 0.26 -151 L/Min in four ranges
  • 3/8”, ½”, ¾” and 1” BSP female connections
  • Polypropylene body with clear Acrylic cover (Option for all PP)
  • PVDF rotor with Tungsten shaft (non-metallic Silicon Carbide or Ceramic option)
  • Ruby bearings for long life
  • Max 10 Bar
  • Max 70°C
  • NPN pulsed output