Flomec OM Mechanical

Flomec OM Oval Gear flowmeters with mechanical registers are a simple, reliable and a tamper free way of totalising in areas where there is no power or that battery powered displays are unacceptable. One of the two oval gears has an extended shaft which passes through a mechanical seal via a gearbox to directly drive a display register, the smallest cog is marked in 10thto give better resolution. 4 or 5 digital totalisers with reset and 8 or 9 digital non-resettable are available.

  • 1 L/Min to 2,500 L/Min in 8 ranges
  • 1/2” to 4” in size
  • BSP, NPT, ANSI or DIN connections
  • Aluminium or Stainless Steel body designs
  • 4 digit total with reset and 8 digit without reset
  • 5 digit total with reset option on 2” and above sizes


The following accessories are available for this product.

Product Order code
ST Strainers Flomec ST Strainers ST
Flomec OM Mechanical Spare Parts OM Mech Spares
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