Flomec flow meters pave the way
- Flomec flow meters
- application case study
Company Type: Paving CompanyMarket: Asphalt Paving ProductionApplication Category: Process Control/Proportional BleedingModel Number: OM008S713-211R2
ApplicationDuring the manufacture of asphalt paving, a mixture of rock, gravel and sand are added to and mixed with liquid asphalt. Prior to this mixing process, the aggregate must be dried and heated to bond the liquid asphalt to the aggregate. Most states require that an additive be sprayed over the aggregate after the heating process, and prior to mixing with the liquid asphalt. This additive increases the adhesion of liquid asphalt to the aggregate, and also prevents any residual moisture in the form of steam from interfering with the adhesion process.
ProblemExpensive liquid additive must maintain a specific ratio to the amount of dried aggregate. Over-application of the additive causes problem with adhesion, and increases costs. High viscosity of the liquid additive and constantly changing flowrates were a problem with some meters used in the past.
SolutionThe selected FLOMEC OM series meter handles the high viscosity fluids and changing flowrates. This meter performs well in rugged conditions and provides excellent accuracy rates. The OM008S713-222G5 replaced a nutating disc meter that was unable to accurately register wide variations in flowrate.