Options and Part Numbering Breakdown
Size & Displacements cc/rev
- DARTec® 1 = 0.1/ 0.3 / 0.6 /1.2 /1.8 / 2.4 / 3.0 / 4.8 / 6.0
Material Combinations
- EES = Stainless Steel construction
- EEK = Stainless Steel construction, Wear plates coated with mechanically resistant material
- LES = Lightweight Stainless Steel construction
- LEK = Lightweight Stainless Steel construction, Wear plates coated with mechanically resistant material
- All with FKM & PTFE seals
Direction of Rotation
- R = Clockwise (cw), right
- F = Bare shaft
- FA = Mounting flange
- FB = Foot bracket
- HS0 = Without coating
- HS1 = With coating
- P1 = Without connection plate
- P2 = With connection plate
Tolerance classes
- SA = 10 … 100 mPa·s
- SB = 100 … 2.000 mPa·s
- SC = 2.000 … 50.000 mPa·s
- SD = 50.000 … 150.000 mPa·s
- SDD = 150.000 … 1.000.000 mPa·s
On request we can also supply complete assembled motor/pump sets, including bellhousing and drive coupling